Aviform Mycoform-T 500ml

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by Aviform
Type: Respiratory

Introducing Mycoform-T respiratory supplement for racing pigeons, the natural way to maintain your racing pigeon’s respiratory health for peak performance and condition.

Your racing pigeons need to be in top shape for maximum benefits during moulting, breeding, and racing. Respiratory infections are a major cause of reduced stamina and performance in pigeons, especially during young bird racing. Mycoform-T is an invaluable aid that supports optimum respiratory health, helping your pigeons achieve their full potential.

Mycoform-T is a revolutionary respiratory supplement for racing pigeons that is easy to administer and incredibly economical. A single weekly measure maintains a clear respiratory system that is essential for peak performance. Even healthy birds will look and fly better with Mycoform-T.

Our innovative formula is highly effective with 100% natural ingredients that have no side effects and are totally safe for your pigeons. Use Mycoform-T for five days during respiratory problems to combat infections and prevent any decrease in performance.

Invest in your racing pigeon’s health with Mycoform-T, the natural respiratory supplement for unbeatable performance.